
Thursday, 2 August 2012

fish tank for sale 170 litres full set up ?

i have a 3ft fish tank 2 ft tall and 1ft wide also includes big filter, heater, sand, hoover, net, stones, ornaments and about 10 fish but the fish can stay if unwanted brand= jewel the light needs a bialst or something as its a bit dodgey but the set up cost 170 6 months ago and im headin to uni in september and cant bring it with me unfortunately, great for beginners as i am a novice and managed to breed in it can also be used for turles and other aquatic creatures any questions please text me as i dont check emails often and am normally too buzy to answer the phone haha offers welcome but not much less will be taken i require 120 pounds as i feel this is a fair price many thanks neil


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