
Sunday, 5 August 2012

hsp bug crusher subaru nitro car and extras !

hsp 4wd nitro bug crusher with subaru shell comes with everything you need to get started fuel bottle glow plug igniter glow plug igniter charger spanner and screw driver set controler all you need is 12 batteries for controler and reciever this as the team infinity 18 engine fitted these are one of the best engines made fitted a new set of crystles this is very clean in good working order and condition it as just been proffesionaly set up so it does not need doing i have a proffessional radio controled person do this for me costs 20.00 to have done he said it was a very good engine nether been thrashed this is my own personal car im selling i will miss it but i have just moved up to a bigger traxxas car with more speed this looks good with the subaru shell the kids broke the crusher shell was beyond repair can be collected and seen working grab a bargin


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